Frequently Asked Questions
Can you support online and/or hybrid meetings?
Is it distracting for the participants?
Where do you stand in the room, and what do you need for your setup?
How much content is usually captured?
What if we want to make changes?
Can you do short “TED”-style talks?
Can you work off a recording or slides?
Will we get a digital version of the charts?
New to visual notetaking? Check out this video for an introduction.
What is the cost?
We provide formal estimates following a discovery call. Our day rate starts at $3,600.00, and we are always happy to discuss options that align with your budget. We do not bill by the number of charts but by our time. Our day rate is based on an average number of anticipated hours per day, including preparation, and we charge full days for all in-person events.
Can you travel?
Yes. We are based in the Washington, DC, Metro Area, United States. We have team members across the United States and Canada and can travel globally as our availability allows.
For events not local to our team, we include a conservative travel estimate in our pricing quotes and proposals. Only actual costs for transportation, accommodations and per diem will be included in the final invoice with receipts.
For most local events, we will only bill for mileage and parking reimbursement. However, for some local events that are multiday or where there is concern that travel distance may result in delays, we may request local accommodations. This can typically be covered by a local travel fee of $400.
We do our best to include any potential travel costs in our proposals, but in circumstances where travel needs arise after contacting, we will reach out for written approval of costs.
Can you support online and/or hybrid meetings?
Yes. For online and hybrid meetings, we recommend digital scribing on a tablet, which can be shared via video feed in your online meeting (see how it works ). For hybrid meetings, we recommend that we attend in person for the most seamless experience.
Is it distracting for the participants?
Visual notetaking is an engaging learning and retention tool. It aims to increase engagement and knowledge retention through multi-model learning where participants can both hear and see what is being shared.
Where do you stand in the room, and what do you need for your setup?
We are comfortable being in front of people and find that participants have a better experience if they can see what we’re doing. That being said, we can set up anywhere we can see and hear speakers.
For work on paper or boards, it’s helpful to have a space with an eight-foot flat wall without fabric or texture. If a wall is not available, we can provide a portable wall or work on foam core boards. Our portable wall is eight to 10 feet wide. Having a few feet behind us is ideal, and a chair and a small supply table are also appreciated.
For digital work in person, we appreciate a two-foot table space, with access to a charging dock and close proximity to the HDMI and ethernet connection ports.
What supplies do you need?
For analog work, we provide our own materials and supplies funded by a $100 materials fee. We work on either four-by-eight-foot butcher block paper or foam boards. The tape we use is “white artist tape” designed to leave zero residue and guaranteed not to damage walls, and we put a “backer” behind our paper to prevent the risk of “bleeding” through the paper onto the wall. For knowledge walls, we may ask you to provide sticky notes and Sharpies or other writing utensils to collect participant responses.
For digital work done in person, we will bring our tablet and cables, however we are unable to provide our own display method. We will need access to projector or screen on site and/or a connection with A/V team to help us set-up.
How much content is usually captured?
We capture high-level notes—the top one percent of content—through words and images, however, we are happy to customize this based on the needs of your project or event.
What if we want to make changes?
Fixing typos or factual errors is always included, but our work is “one and done.” Our work is not considered graphic design but rather a visual representation of a live event; therefore, changing the image post-event voids the value we bring. For iterative graphic design requests, we are happy to refer you to one of our talented design partners.
How do you capture breakouts?
During breakouts, we focus on capturing "report outs" for most events. For detailed breakout content, consider having a visual notetaker in each breakout room. We do not “travel” between breakout groups as we lose the conversation thread in the transition. When we meet, we can discuss the best option for your session.
Can you do short “TED”-style talks?
Yes. When talks are short and back-to-back, we may recommend either a two-person team that can trade off or capture the notes from a recording so that we can stop and start the video to gather as much content as possible.
Can you work off a recording or slides?
Yes, we can work from audio or video recordings. However,e can not work from strictly text-based content as it does not contain the auditory cues we need to identify key content.
Will we get a digital version of the charts?
No matter the medium of notes for your event, you will receive digital copies of all charts.
Digital copies are provided the same day when we work on a tablet.
Paper charts are photographed in high resolution and digitized as image and PDF files within 2 business days of the event. You can keep or dispose of the paper charts as you wish. The cost of digitization is included, unless we anticipate an elevated effort due to a high volume of charts.
What do we do with notes after the event?
We generally see notes sent to participants to help them remember the experience. Some of our clients use the images to help write meetings, summarize the event, augment reports, or hang them up in their offices. In some cases, we even see our designs show up on swag, like tote bags or mugs.
Do we need your permission to post the charts?
What we create is your (the client’s) property, and you are free to distribute it however you prefer. We request permission to retain a copy for portfolio purposes, and we will always request permission before using any images publicly and/or for marketing purposes.